With pride and excitement, on behalf of myself DGE Tom Hankard, along with DGN Pooja Singla and DGND Terry Rezendes Curran, Immediate Past District Governor Alexander Falk has been appointed District 7930 Rotary Foundation Chair starting 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2027.
The mission of The Foundation of Rotary International is “to help Rotary members advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving health, providing quality education, improving the environment, and alleviating poverty.” Alexander Falk has shown he epitomizes our Foundation mission in word and deed. The incoming District Governor track look forward to and will depend on his leadership.
The mission of The Foundation of Rotary International is “to help Rotary members advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving health, providing quality education, improving the environment, and alleviating poverty.” Alexander Falk has shown he epitomizes our Foundation mission in word and deed. The incoming District Governor track look forward to and will depend on his leadership.
A proud Rotarian representing the Rotary Club of Marblehead since 2009, Alexander is a member of the Paul Harris and PolioPlus Societies. He and his wife Nora are members of the Rotary Legacy Society and the Arch Klumph Society Chair’s Circle.
Alexander will be taking over for current DRFC Joan Kelly Arsenault, of the Rotary Club of Ipswich-Rowley, as she finishes her three-year term on 30 June 2024. Joan has done a first-class job promoting the good works of the Rotary Foundation as well as promoting her Rotary passion, the Annual Fund.
Alexander will be taking over for current DRFC Joan Kelly Arsenault, of the Rotary Club of Ipswich-Rowley, as she finishes her three-year term on 30 June 2024. Joan has done a first-class job promoting the good works of the Rotary Foundation as well as promoting her Rotary passion, the Annual Fund.