During our meeting we also recognized a couple of our extra hard working Rotarians:
Diane O'Brien is our incoming vice president. She is a tireless worker for the town and Swampscott Rotary. Along with several other volunteer organizations she in which she is active Diane also helped found, and now heads, our local Anchor Food Pantry. She organized and ran our October Danny Cahill/Anchor Food Pantry 5K Race which netted $10,000 for our food pantry and a Dan Cahill scholarship. For all her volunteer efforts we recognized Diane with a Paul Harris Award.
For the past three years Doug Dubin Has been president twice, volunteering for whatever we are doing, and always there to fill in if needed. For his great spirit and efforts we recognized Doug with a Paul Harris Award—his third!
Swampscott Rotary again sponsored the food for our town's Veteran's Day breakfast at the Senior Center with a donation of $350.