This important individual leads and supports the clubs in the district by inspiring and motivating them to Do Good in the World! All clubs are encouraged to propose suitable candidates who meet the qualifications to serve. One of these requirements is that at the time of taking office, must have been a past president of a club, completed seven years of membership in one or more clubs, and to have attended governors-elect training seminar and International Assembly. If you feel that your club has such a leader among your members, please consider nominating them to help fulfill Rotary's ongoing missions.
The nomination form can be downloaded here. In addition to the nomination form, please include a Rotary-focused resume of the candidate, as well as the candidate's vision statement of what they would like to accomplish for our district in their year as district governor. Completed nomination forms and the additional documents should be sent to DG Tom Hankard at tomhankard@yahoo.com.
The nomination deadline is Monday, October 14, 2024.
In accordance with the Rotary International Manual of Procedure, the requirements to be a District Governor are as follow are:
“Qualifications: In addition to the qualifications of governor-nominee, a governor, at the time of taking office, must have completed seven years of membership in one or more clubs and have attended the governors-elect training seminar and International Assembly. (RIB 15.080.)”
“The district must select the nominee for governor not more than 36 months, but not less than 24 months, prior to the day of taking office. (RIB 13.010.) Any Rotarian who engages in campaigning or canvassing for elective office in RI may be subject to disqualification from election to the office sought and possibly to future RI offices for such periods as the RI Board may determine (see chapter 3). (RIB 10.060., 10.070.) Districts are urged to seek out and nominate the best-qualified person for the office of governor.”
All candidates must be willing to commit 42 months of service, attending as many District events and other requested events as possible. The candidate's Club must nominate him/her. Candidates may not apply directly.
For more details on the job requirements, please see the following two documents: