Posted by Ginger DiGrazia on Jul 26, 2022
Each year we in the Greater Salem NH Rotary notify the high schools in our five communities of Salem, Pelham, Windham, Atkinson, and Hampstead requesting applicants for our Scholarship Awards. 
This year we chose eight applicants based on their scholastic achievement and their community service. We had the pleasure of presenting the award in person to six of the students who were available to attend out meeting. 
The selected students demonstrated their ability to achieve a high level of accomplishments in studies, leadership, interest and service in their communities, and some extended their compassion to a third world country. 
Our best wishes to our future leaders as they enter a new chapter in their life by attending the college of their choice.  Pictured here scholarship recipients Donovan Homsey, Jordan Krahn, Gabrielle Driggers, Mahi Patel, Katrina Souter and Kyleigh Walker