Consistency in voice and visual identity, including the Rotary master brand or logo, is important for highlighting Rotary's impact and gives value to our work. This consistency helps reinforce the message of Rotary's mission and the effectiveness of our initiatives. Your club can help build brand recognition by using our logos correctly and consistently. Always use your customized club, district, or zone logo when promoting your club or other Rotary entity or its activities. Please do not use the Rotary logo without your club identifier. Otherwise, it implies that the promotional activity is from Rotary International and not your own Rotary club.
Note that the "new" branding was introduced 10 years ago. Please review your websites, social media, flyers, etc. to ensure you are using the correct Rotary wheel etc. on all new publications and promotional material.
Contact the Public Image Committee or Tim Kelley directly with any branding questions. Looking for a meeting program? PI Committee is also available to speak to your club on topics relating to the importance of Public Image and Branding.