Posted by Bob Wicks on Jan 23, 2022
The Ipswich-Rowley Rotary Club is holding its annual “25 Days of Kindness” food drive this month to help address food insecurity in its communities. Rotary is partnering with The Open Door’s Ipswich community food pantry and local businesses to collect food items for neighbors in need. 
“Food needs often increase after the holidays, especially among our fellow citizens whose livelihoods are impacted by the ongoing COVID pandemic,” said a Rotary statement. 
Donations will be accepted through February 3 at the Ipswich branches of Brookline Bank, BankGloucester, and the Institution for Savings, as well as at the Ipswich Community YMCA.
The most-needed food items include peanut butter, canned meats (tuna, chicken, and turkey), break- fast cereal, hearty soups, canned fruits and vegetables, spaghetti sauce, boxes of macaroni and cheese, rice, noodles, pasta, and pancake mix. 
The donated food will be delivered to the Open Door in early February and distributed to clients of the Ipswich food pantry.