Posted by William Reilly on Dec 04, 2024
The 102nd annual pre-Thanksgiving Football Luncheon, hosted by Lynn Rotary, was held on Tuesday, November 26 at the Lynn Knights of Columbus. The luncheon is to get the Captains from the five Lynn High School football teams together for a friendly gathering before the Thanksgiving games. Also included were the Cheerleader Captains and the Band Director. The event Chairperson, State Representative-Elect Sean Reid, Classical alumnus and Rotarian, said: “It’s such a unique environment with so many teams.  As a community, we want to highlight it.” 
This year marks the 110th Thanksgiving game between Classical and English.  This luncheon was started in 1920 when only Classical and English High Schools existed, now there are five High Schools: Classical, English, Technical Vocational, St. Mary’s, and KIPP Academy. It is thought that some of the boys at the first luncheon had fathers who did not survive World War I, and it was a way for Rotary to remember them. This year marked the 102nd gathering. Mayor Jared Nicholson spoke about how the players will look back at the game with fond memories, win or lose, he said, “These moments are so special for all of us.”  He thanked the Rotary Club for hosting the event for 102 years.
Other dignitaries also spoke, giving encouragement to all. The Athletic Directors, the Captains of all teams spoke. Sean Reid recognized the financial sponsors; the four major Credit Unions in Lynn, Brotherhood, Metro, Riverworks, and St. Jean’s.  Without their support it would be difficult to continue with this luncheon. 
The pictures are from the Lynn Item, Joey Barrett. They are pictures of the football captains and assistants, and members of the Lynn Rotary Club who attended the luncheon along with Mayor J. Nicholson in the center.