Posted by Tim Kelley on Mar 18, 2024
Hundreds of Rotary leaders assembled in at the Marriott in Newton March 7 through 9 to take part in President Elect Training Seminar or PETS.  Our District joined with six other Rotary Districts for Northeast PETS (NEPETS).   These Districts cover Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont and parts of Maine and Quebec.
PETS is training for Presidents and Assistant Governors (AG) who will begin their roles on July 1. 
Every Rotary year there are new Club Presidents, District leaders and leadership in Rotary International.  Our new leaders came to learn about and discuss Rotary's Action Plan, new emphases and projects that your Club will be part of in the coming year.  The President’s curriculum included sections on Vision and Action Plan, DEI, Membership, The Rotary Foundation and Public Image.  There was also great opportunity to network with other Club Presidents to gain connections and inspiration from the countless service opportunities in the Rotary world.
This year’s keynote speakers where phenomenal and included RI President Elect Stephanie Urchick.  Our leaders were challenged to consider concepts like thinking out of the box; becoming a change agent; leading your Rotary club to be more project-oriented; collaboration and flexibility.  So many leaders reported leaving PETS feeling “fired up” and eager to begin the amazing year ahead as your Rotary Club’s President!  We were also fortunate to have our RI Zone Director Chris Etienne with us at NEPETS.
A huge thank you to all our leaders who have volunteers their time and service to Rotary in the upcoming year.
Pictured here above is DGE Tom addressing the crowd and below DGE Tom with Zone Director Chris Etienne.