It is now time to plan your Polar Plunge to raise funds for Polio Eradication! Here are the top ten clubs in Polio giving through Jan. 31:
1. Beverly, $7,000; 2. Marblehead, $4,400; 3. Reading, $2,635.25; 4. Wilmington, $1,550; 5. Arlington, $1,100; 6. Lynn, $1,000; 7. Rockport, $931; 8. Andover, $550; 9. Ipswich $543.95; 10. Lexington, $358.75.
All clubs are asked to organize a local Polar Plunge in their community (hence Distributed). Pick any date this winter (i.e. between now and Opening Day at Fenway Park). Plunge any way you want (ocean, dunk tank, swimming pool, jacuzzi, etc.) Be creative to organize another event to raise funds for Polio Eradication.
Our goal is to raise as much money as possible to End Polio Now, and we’ll publish a ranking of clubs weekly (hence Competitive). Please make sure that you send all the monies that you raised directly to The Rotary Foundation to be credited to the Polio Plus Fund. Our published results will be based on the reports from the Rotary Foundation, so only funds actually sent to the Foundation will be counted for the ranking!
Tell us about your club's event and share your pictures and story with us and your community!