Parts 1, 2, 3 and Graduate must be taken in order. Registration, $25 for members; $15 for Rotaractors.
Part 1: Character of Leadership; Purpose of Rotary, Understanding Rotary’s Organizational Structure and Core Values; Ethics and Vocational Service; Basic Goals and Programs of the Rotary Foundation; Engaging Members; Creating Service Projects
Part 2: Rotary’s Structured Programs; Effective Leadership Strategies; Attracting Members; Club Communication; Team Building; Foundation II, Targeted Service and Grants
Part 3: Strategic Planning; Foundation III International Service; Public Image and Public Relations; Building a Stronger Club; Making a Difference
Graduate: Long Range Strategic Planning
Watch the E-Bulletin and District 7930 website for more info. Curriculum is available at rlinea. org.
You are all leaders, but good leaders know that learning never stops!