Posted by Amy Luckiewicz on Dec 18, 2024
The Wakefield Rotary Club recently announced the election of its new officers and directors at its Annual Meeting. The club elects new leadership each year in accordance with its by-laws. The 2025-2026 Board of Directors include Margie Daniels, Joie Gerrish, Mike Sullivan, Jill McWilliam, Craig Calabrese, Wendy Maguire (Immediate Past President) and Amy Luckiewicz (Past Presidents’ Representative). Suzanne Bowering will serve as Club Secretary, Barbara Worley as Club Treasurer and Frank Fiorentino as Sergeant-at-Arms. Paul Adams was elected Vice President/President-Elect and Kathy Boyle will serve as President for the 2024-2025 term.

President-Elect Kathy Boyle has most recently served as Program Chair and served on the Board of Directors. Kathy has aimed at incorporating more youth programming into the club’s aims. “I’m looking forward to the club continuing our tradition of local community service,” she said. “I invite the community to consider joining us so we can do even more.”

The new leadership team will begin on July 1, 2025, and serve until June 30, 2026.