In just three weeks, Wakefield and Lynnfield Rotarians, friends and family collected school supply items to be hand-delivered to the school. Wakefield Rotary Club Secretary Suzanne Bowering reported that over 700 pencils, 400 pens, 60 notebooks, and hundreds of other supplies were collected totaling approximately 140 pounds of school supplies. Last year, the club collected 230 pounds of supplies for the Dominican Republic with a match going to the Boys and Girls Club.
School supplies were packed into three suitcases and delivered to the island by hand in late August by Bowering, Wakefield Rotary Past President Lisa Roderick and Lynnfield Rotarian Janice Casoli. Bowering commented, “One of the joys of being part of Rotary International is participating in international service projects. It’s also great that we could collaborate on the project with our neighbors at Lynnfield Rotary.”