Posted by Amy Luckiewicz on Nov 09, 2023
The Wakefield Rotary Club brought some in-meeting fun to its Halloween meeting on October 31st. Long-time Rotarians Jay Curley and Amy Luckiewicz hosted a three-part trivia game centered on the holiday. “We love our meetings, but having a theme really brings a change of pace,” Luckiewicz said.

Rotarians and guests in attendance, several in costumes, were divided into 5 teams. The first round cenetred on Halloween trivia. “It included history, geography, and questions that didn’t mean you had to be a Halloween expert,” Luckiewicz added. Round Two was a Halloween, horror and suspense movie picture round. The final round was based on the actors and movie trivia featured in the picture round.

With 52 years of perfect attendance, Curley has been around for a lot of change. “Rotary has really loosened up and encouraged fun,” Curley said. “I think that’s a great thing. It drives fellowship and helps us know each other better.”
Rotarians Fred Singer, James Taylor, James Fitzgerald and Club President Glen Duffy won the game. As a prize, a donation was named in each of their names to The Rotary Foundation to help end polio world-wide.