All Rotary members should make promoting Rotary's Public Image a priority. Promoting PI is a proven strategy to increase your club's impact and add members.
Wakefield Rotary has issued a Club Public Image Challenge to its members. Wakefield's PI Committee, headed up by Amy Luckiewicz, has instituted this challenge to encourage members to participate in sharing on social media.
This is how Wakefield's PI Challenge works:
For each event or program our club runs, send club members marketing tools.
For every post you make on any social media platform (even repeat posts or professional boards), you will earn a raffle ticket.
For every flyer or poster you post or get posted in the community, you will earn a raffle ticket.
You MUST use the marketing sent to you to ensure proper branding, but may use your own words in text.
You MUST tag @WakefieldRotaryClub or #WakefieldRotaryClub to earn points. If we have community partners, you will be asked to tag them also.
A winner is pulled every month for a prize!
Kudos to Wakefield for this innovative idea to make increase promotion of your PI and making it fun. What creative ideas does your Club have to get the word out about your events and service projects?