Posted by Brian Ouellette on Jul 09, 2024
At a recent meeting, the Rotary Club of Woburn presented a Paul Harris Fellow to David Frizzell. David is a retired Fire Chief from the town of Belmont. Dave received this awarded for his dedication to the youth in Boy Scout Troup 502 currently sponsored by the George A. Campbell Post 101 in Woburn. He has mentored over 15 boys in their attainment of the rank of Eagle Scout. The prestigious Eagle Scout rank is highest rank that a young man or woman can a attain in Scouting. In addition, he has assisted in many of the administrative functions and training of adult leaders. Also in attendance at the Rotary Luncheon meeting were 4 Eagle Scouts. Presenting the Paul Harris Award to David Frizzell was Rotary Club of Woburn Past President and Paul Harris Fellow, Bill Sullivan. 
Pictured here from left to right ar Zach Bates, John Juliuson, Rotary Past President Bill Sullivan, Paul Harris recipient David Frizzell, Matthew Frizzell, and David Mullally.