
Welcome to the Environmental Action Group
Next Virtual Group Meeting:
May 22, 2024 at 6 pm
Email Andrea for an invitation at: Andrea Lacroix
We are committed to supporting our clubs in the creation and implementation of environmental projects both in our local communities and around the globe. Our Action Group committee members have multiple years of experience in environmentalism and some of them are members of ESRAG, the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group.

Water, plastics, and pollinators ... these are the issues Ipswich-Rowley Rotary is working on.
Ipswich-Rowley Rotary has a Global Grant focused on Water Conservation. We have partnered with the Ipswich River Watershed and are seeing positive results. I will be attending the ESRAG Projects Fair at the end of January to showcase this grant.
Is your club looking for a speaker? Please contact me, Andrea LaCroix! I have been making the rounds at many rotary clubs delivering a very informative talk on plastics and I am available to speak at your club. There are giveaways involved so book me for an in-person presentation soon!
The month of May seemed far away, but we began promoting ‘No Mow May’ in March.
Environmental Committee Members
The current members of the district environmental committee are:
- Andrea Lacroix, Chair
- Bill Beach
- Bill Beckman
- Song Boon
- Ronald Benjamin
- Chris Davis
- David Deutsch
- Natascha Finnerty
- Tom Hankard
- Bob Wicks
- Ann Witzig
You can reach the committee by emailing: environment@rotary7930.org