The Wakefield Rotary Club will again be hosting a Red Sox ticket chance at the WCAT Movies by the Lake. Thanks to a generous donation from Wakefield Rotarian Frank Fiorentino and Mahoney, Fiorentino, and Co., PC, raffle participants can win a pair of tickets for the Red Sox versus the Atlanta Braves on Tuesday, August 9, 2022. Club President Gene Mullen said, “This is an easy way to win some great Sox seats and support local causes through Rotary.” The previous raffle drew in over $2,000 which was donated back to the community throughout the year.
Ticket chances cost twenty-five dollars and the prize includes two seats at Fenway between the visitor on-deck circle and home plate. The value of the pair of tickets is about $275. Last year’s ticket winner, Jonathan Chines said, “I’ve never sat so close to home plate! The seats were amazing, and we had a great time.”
Tickets are on sale during the Movies by the Lake on the Common. Visit the Rotary table to grab your chance to win. Tickets are also available at WCAT (24 Hemlock Road) and from any Wakefield Rotarian. You can also Venmo the club @wakefieldrotaryclub. Indicate “sox raffle” in the memo and provide your contact information. The winning ticket will be pulled at 8:00pm on Thursday August 4th at the Movies by the Lake event.
Picture here is 2021 winner Jonathan Chines and his son at the Sox game.